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TMD Treatment Options

Symptoms that do not interrupt your daily activities and the pain can be described as only a one or three on a ten-point scale, then TMD is often manageable through self-care options. For self-care treatment of TMD, you can often attempt the following:​

  • Hot and Cold Packs – Apply an ice pack or cold compress to the affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes. In doing this, you can reduce swelling and inflammation. To improve circulation to the area while reducing pain, you can also add moist heat to the painful area.

  • Facial Stretching Exercises – Stretches that can help reduce tension in the jaw might be recommended by a doctor or physical therapist for relief. Be sure to perform these exercises as directed in order to stretch the jaw muscles to relieve any muscle tension.

  • Eat Soft, Small Foods – Think about foods that don’t require too much chewing or require you to open your mouth too wide.


      Foods such as soup, scrambled eggs, yogurt, beans and cooked, diced fruits and vegetables are easier to eat than          foods that are hard, crunchy, chewy, thick or large.

  • Avoid High Tension Jaw Movement – Moving your jaw in excessive force can strain the joint and the muscles that open and close the mouth, and hamper treatments aimed at reducing the pain. Yawning and chewing should be kept to a minimum, as well as singing and yelling.

  • Over-the-Counter Medicine – Medications used for pain relief, such as naproxen can help to minimize the experience of pain while reducing inflammation. A doctor may also prescribe stronger pain medications for pain relief as needed.

If your symptoms or pain are more severe, and at-home self-care is not providing you relief, it might be time for advanced treatment options:

Low Level



Trigger Point Injections

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